Your important docs and info in one place. Created for everyone who bunked missed Adulting 101 😬.

Finally get your ‘ducks in a row’ for big life moments, like dying 🥴.


life.file in 60 seconds 🤓


Where’s your colour coded file of NB docs? Ja, what file 🤭.

How to adult with life.file 🙌🏾


step 1

Build your unique life.file 🗂️

Everyone’s life.file will look different, and yours will change over your lifetime too! We will teach you which categories to add and remove as life unfolds. Like, the minute you get a fur baby, you will add ‘my pets’ to your life.file 🐶.


step 2

Upload your stuff ⬆️

We will teach you which documents and info to add to each category in your life.file. Time to ditch the clutter and keep only what matters, in one place, so that things are easy to find when you need them most 🤓.


step 3

Document everything important 🖋️

Like, who to call in an emergency. Where to find your original Will. Who your houseplants must go to if you kick the bucket. What medicine your precious pet is allergic to. We will tell you what to document and where to save it all in your life.file.


step 4

Share your life.file 💌

We will teach you who to share your life.file with. (Common sense: yes to spouse; no to Tinder match). Then make sure that the right people in your life have instant access to your life.file ‘in case’.



Write your NB legal life docs, free 📝

Wondering what legal docs 🤯!? Learn which contracts you need and why - and build them on life.file.

🖋️ Your Will

🚑 Your Living Will

📲 Your Digital Executorship Doc

🏡 Your Lease Agreement

💊 Your Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare


Finally - your ducks in a row, like a real adult ✌️🌈

✔️ Unlimited life.file categories

✔️ Unlimited shares

✔️ Unlimited file uploads

✔️ Secure encrypted storage

✔️ Instant, around-the-clock access




nice things people say about life.file


Welcome to your new school library 🍎. Learn everything about adulthood they forgot to teach you the first time 😑.
